miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

top 10 important world events in the last 10 years

During the past decade there were of course events that were important to each of us on a personal level.

1. George W. Bush wins election(2000) George W Bush was oneof americas most important presidents for what he did,he was a man of wa, who liked to solve all his problems with guns... hedidnt care how many people died as long as he got respectand money.

2. 911(2001) 2976 Americans murdered, 6000+ wounded the Most Wanted man on the world, Osama Bin Laden plans an attack to the twiin towers, the pentagon (wich failed) but the twin towers got destroyed and thousands of people died leaving families destroyed.

3. Enron Collapses the electricity company of Houston, oneof the seven strongest companys of usa got into bankrupt because ofthe frauds that they commited.

4. Afghanistan Invasion USA invaded afganistan because of the war declaration of war with the president.
5. Space Shuttle Columbia Breaks Up on Re-entry (2003) after 27 successfull missions it got destroyed ona reentry to the world onFebruary 1, 2003 near the end of its 28th.

6. Iraq Invasion USA invades irak looking for Osaba Bin Laden.

7. Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina hits usa and leaves millions of families witout homes andthousand dead.
8. Recession (2008-?) Usa enters in amonetary crisis because corrupt bankowners wich used peoples money to buy personal things such as houses, planes, boats etc.
9. Barrack Obama wins Election (2008) The first blackpresident on the USA was elected something really important because of the problems of racism on USA when black people where treated as slaves.
The china Olympics the most important sports event on the worldtook place on China.

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