RELIGIOUS: religios girls r the fuckin worst because they think god is gonna punish them FOR havin fun..... i!!! if god was as good as people say...he would have a problem with sex....This girls aregoing to take you to mass every Sunday if youhappen to marry one of them,bad idea, doyou really wanna be watching tv on Sunday and having your wife tell you…honey we have to goto mas!!!
GOODYS: i hate goodys they get me on the worst mood....the ones that wanna wait till marriage to have are you gonna pleasure your husband if u got no practice???? Plus this are the girls who dontlet you drink or do fun stufflike going to Vegas for the weekend.
MONEY GIRLS: these girls just want you for your forget them... Cause if you got no money, you aint gonna get none, and if you do have money ill belike living with a hoe, always wanting money for sex
BOSSI WOMEN: hahaha these is like dating your mother think they have the pants on the relationship so.....if you dont like people tellin ya what to do....dont even think about a bossy one....
ALCOHOLICS: I hate when ur at the club and the girl that u go with gets so drunk she has to throw up and passes out.... thats B… always trying to impress people probably ends upwith another guy at the end of the night or do something stupid that gets you in trouble.
LOOSERS: boring, they dont do anything fun, if u want to play x box in your friday night date....its perfect for you...
FAT GIRLS: food, food, food, NOT FUN, NOT SEXY
EMOS: i just dont understand why they always have to have a reason to be sad, do what you do theyr always gonna be sad,